Wednesday, 31st January 2024

10. Possible Solutions

  • poem
  • the man in me

You asked if I tried something else to deal with my pain?
I tried praying and fasting
But some prayers are answered when one is dead
I tried talking to his friends but they only wanted to take advantage of me
His family stopped liking me
I assume, they were getting a different story

For hours I would think of ways to get back at him
I thought of killing myself
But he wouldn’t care if I died
That’s how heartless he is
As my depression feasted on me
He feasted on my misery

For hours, I thought of ways of getting back at him
I thought of killing him instead
You know? Put some extra spice in his bread
Something to turn his face red
But what if that’s what he wanted?
To get away from me without even trying

For hours, I thought of ways of dealing with my pain
I thought of doing what he did
Going out and coming home late
Well, I left one morning, and I ended up here instead